Our Menus

Our menus are hand-designed in collaboration with our caterer. In order to create nutritious and exciting meals we take in consideration the following points:

  • → We apply the Canadian Food Guide and serve the recommended portions for each food group according to the age of the children.
  • → We pay close attention to the fruits and vegetables that are in season.
  • → We fill their specific nutritional needs with many small quantities of food throughout the day. Healthy snacks complete and contribute to the nutritious elements of a meal.
  • → In the Baby Bears Nursery, the rhythm of the children is always respected. The introduction of new foods is done in accordance and in collaboration with the parents.
  • → The dietary needs of the children, food restrictions based on religious beliefs, and special diets are all respected. We are more than happy to work with families on an individual basis when it comes to specific dietary needs.
  • → Please note that all of our food is Halal.

Allergies & Intolerances

  • → We are ‘nut-aware’ at the Centre! Traces of nuts and their by-products may be found in foods through contamination during food preparation. The Centre cannot guarantee a completely nut-free environment.
  • → For safety reasons: please no food to be brought from home.
  • → If your child has or develops any food restriction while under our care, it is the responsibility of parents to please inform us immediately!
  • → Special dietary restrictions and allergies are posted in the kitchen, eating area and the Director’s office.
Menu Sample